The new Phono Box S3 B gain stage uses a fully discrete layout. A discrete circuit is composed of disparate electronic components, and individual devices. The amplifier section is built of single parts and doesn‘t use any integrated circuits! That makes for an extended and more costly design process but results in the best sound quality. The fully symmetrical gain stage can optimize the signal-to-noise ratios, feeding the semi-passive, RIAA equalisation stage with a clean signal to work on.
True Balanced Connection
The symmetrical design is the fundamental standout feature! Connect your turntable via the 5-pin mini XLR cable and enjoy the benefits of a balanced signal path. A truly balanced gain stage can extract the final musical information, effectively filtering out any noise from interferences stemming from our noisy, modern homes (household appliances, wifi & Bluetooth, power cables, audio amplifiers).
High-End Features
For the Entry-Level
Steel & aluminium casework. Fully discrete & symmetrical gain stage. Balanced in & outputs. Cartridge loading options on front panel.
True Balanced
Unleash the full power
Phono Box S3 B is ready for our new True Balanced Connection. Single-ended RCA connections, quite literally, only use half of your cartridge's output. With one of our new True Balanced phono cables and an MC cartridge you'll hear details and dynamics, previously exclusive to only the most expensive phono stages.
Handmade in EU
Since 1991
Made in Europe by technicians, engineers and designers with decades of experience. Expert craftsmanship. Sustainable products with a long lifetime. Audiophile audio performance.