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Sometimes, pulling cable can be a real pain! AudioQuest’s new FLX/SLiP...
The W5800 features a groundbreaking laser array light source, presenting...
Harbeth is the UK's most successful, longest-standing and wholly British loudspeaker brand with an enviable track record in audio innovation.
The Harbeth company was founded forty years ago to commercialise the BBC’s loudspeaker R&D. A great start, but only the first step of our journey towards the perfect sound. Today’s Harbeth loudspeakers are much more transparent, more vivid, more dynamic, more open, and more real because the enabling technology – such as the exclusive RADIAL2™ technology – has made that possible. We’ve incorporated every genuine advancement into the latest Harbeth speakers which are, as you’ll hear yourself, in the class of their own for natural sound.
The absolute pinnacle of loudspeaker designRECOMMENDED AS 'THE MOST MUSICAL MONITOR EVER'